Keep Your Bank Account out of Hot Water with These Money-Saving Water Heater Tips

Since you need you use your water heater pretty much every day, you'll want to be sure to keep its operational costs as low as possible. And you can keep your water heater costs low and keep them low by being sure to follow these guidlines:
Make Your Bathing Routines Economical
Perhaps the primary reason you'll use your water heater is for bathing. This means that to manage your water heater costs, you'll need to practice economical bathing habits.
These habits are simple enough. Opt for a shower over a bath. Be sure to keep your showers short and efficient. (You can even get a special showerhead that lets you cut off water while you lather up.) And don't take scalding showers when a much lower temperature will suffice.
Keep Water Heater Thermostat Around 120 Degrees
It's called a water heater, not a water scorcher. You don't need your water heater to be able to produce lava to get clean. A sensible temperature will provide the same cleanliness and comfort as a much higher one, but at a lower cost.
It might sound insignificant if you prefer to keep your water heater at, say, 150. But you should know that for every 10 degrees you lower your water heater temperature, you can save about 3 to 5 percent on your water heating costs. And that savings will add up in no time.
Be Smart with Your Washing Machines
Of course, your water heater helps to clean more than just you. It also helps to clean your dishes and clothes . . . But is the hottest water the only water that will get those as clean as can be? Certainly not. And the alternative will save you quite a bit of money.
This alternative involves not always using your washing machines at the hottest setting. For your clothes washer, you can often get away with using just cold water, in fact (unless your washing instructions specify otherwise. Doing so, you can save a ton on your water heating costs.
Keep Your Water Heater Tuned Up
You can practice the best and most efficient bathing and washing habits there are, but they won't do a thing to save you any money if your water heater is working inefficiently. Unfortunately, with daily wear and usage, your water heater will inevitably start working that way.
Fortunately, though, you can reverse this wear and tear by getting routine maintenance done on your water heater. Maintenace will extend your water heater's lifespan while also allowing it to work its most efficient. Thus, you'll enjoy low water heater costs for many years to come.
If you are looking for water heater money saving tips in New Jersey, please call 732-257-1699 or complete our