Top 3 Tips For Prolonging the Lifespan of Your Water Heater
Getting the best in performance and longevity from your water heater is about more than the quality of the system you pick out, although that plays a significant role too. Any installation company you work with should be willing to tell you some ways in which you can take better care of your new system.
Although there are a number of ways to do this, a few of the top examples include:

- Schedule an annual inspection and stay current with maintenance needs. Your water heater is an investment so take good care of it.
- Flush your water heater regularly, especially if you know you have an issue with sediments. This buildup can cause a variety of problems with your water heater, so removal helps you get optimal performance.
- Set yourself up for success, and help prevent possible disaster, by keeping the area surrounding your water heater clear. Clutter can make it difficult for your unit to get the oxygen necessary to fuel it. Plus, it poses a threat of both fire and carbon monoxide.
Here is a bonus pointer – hire the right expert to take care of the installation work. The pros here at New Jersey Water Heaters have been taking care of local residential and commercial clients since 1989.
We work with each customer to ensure they get the best service, as well as advice for how to get the best from their new water heater. If you live in New Jersey and need water heater installation, repairs or tankless work, give us a call.
If you are looking for a professional water heater company in New Jersey, please call 732-257-1699 or complete our