3 Warning Signs You Are in Hot Water With Your Water Heater
As a New Jersey homeowner, you want to be diligent about taking care of certain aspects of your household, including the water heater. The last thing that you want is to end up with repairs you don't need or, even worse, a replacement that could have been avoided.
Stay current with maintenance and services like flushing to help thwart avoidable issues. However, at some point the time will come that replacement is inevitable and you should be aware, ahead of time, of what those signs may be:

- Know the age of your current system. The average lifespan of a water heater, when properly maintained, is about 10 years. If your system is nearing the decade milestone and is acting up, replacing it may be the more financially savvy decision to make. If you would like to find a system with enhanced longevity, opt for a tankless natural gas one.
- Notice that you don't have the hot water supply you once did? Or that the water isn't hot at all? This could mean your water heater is unable to correctly perform its job any longer. Rust in the water or a metallic smell or taste is also something to watch for as it means the tank is corroding and crumbling.
- If you have sprung a leak or notice water pooling around your unit, you are probably going to need a new water heater – and immediately. The sooner you act the less likely you are to sustain damage to your home due to flooding.
Want to learn more? Let our team of industry experts here at New Jersey Water Heaters provide you with the information or service you need to address your need for water heater repairs or replacement.
If you are looking for a professional water heater company in New Jersey, please call 732-257-1699 or complete our